

Snowy Trees

A few weeks ago, we got slammed with quite a bit of snow in the space of about 24 hours. About two feet or so. Not as much as some past occasions, but still pretty significant. I’ll say one thing for it though, it was absolutely beautiful. Early in the morning, before there was much in the way of traffic, it was deafeningly quiet. The snow thickly coated houses, roads, trees, the mountains across the river—it seemed to just swallow up any sound. Listening for a while all I heard was the occasional whoosh when snow got too heavy…

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Author in Snow Blizzard

The holidays are over. The one we celebrate in my house, Christmas, has come and gone, as have the New Year’s preparations, celebrations, and immediate aftermath. It’s now 2023 and it looks like a long, steady uphill climb. There is no particular reason I should feel this way. I am relatively healthy, as is my spouse. We live comfortable lives and really want for nothing. You would think after the craziness of the pandemic and the last couple years, I would be dancing with joy at seeing them recede in the distance. So what’s the deal? Why am I…

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